Knut services (

A Knut service provide data and implement functionalities which can be used by the APIs. For example, to switch a light, a service provide commands which are used by the API to switch the light on or off and to get e.g. status information of the light.

local.Local([location, uid, latitude, …])

Provide local data like sunrise and sunset times.

task.Task([uid, task_dir])

Create and manipulate a task.


Each light service must subclass the base class Light.

light.Light(location, uid, room)

Base class for light services.

light.dummylight.DummyLight(location, uid, room)

A dummy light for mock purpose.

light.pytradfri.PyTradfriLight(location, …)

A TRÅDFRI light service.

light.rflight.RFLight(location, uid, room, …)

A RF 433 mHz light service.

light.tasmota_light.TasmotaLight(location, …)

Light with the Tasmota firmware as light service.

light.wlansocket.WlanSocket(location, uid, …)

WLAN power socket as light service.


Each temperature service must subclass the base class temperature.Temperature.

temperature.Temperature(location, uid, **kwargs)

Base class for temperature services.


A dummy temperature for mock purpose.


OpenWeatherMap temperature service.