Knut: your humble server!

What is Knut?

Knut is a happy penguin to help organize your home. 🐧

Ok… What is Knut again? It’s a smart home assistant with a server at it’s core which is connected to various Client APIs. Via a JSON formatted message and the TCP server, clients can interact with the various APIs. They are designed in such way, that they can be extended modular. Each API is then connected with which do some work like switching a light or providing data to the API.

Run Knut

With Knut and it’s requirements installed, you can take the server for a test run by running the knutserver with the example configuration:

knutserver -f etc/example.yml

Now you should be ready to write your own Configuration and have fun using Knut.


To learn more about Knut and how it works, have a look at the Getting Started chapter. For the code documentation see API Reference.

Checkout the Knut cross-platform app which provides a user front-end to the Knut server.